Bath Stone

This search identifies any historic underground extraction of Bath Stone or Fullers Earth or any metalliferous mining activity relating to the property.

BT Wayleaves

Provides details of any BT infrastructure, wayleaves, rights or obligations affecting the property

Canals & River Trust

Details of any works owned by the trust which may affect the property.

Chancel Check Premium

Dye & Durham's Chancel Check Premium reveals whether there is a potential chancel repair liability for property owners.

Civil Aviation

A report on the aviation activity near the property including the location of the nearest airfields.

Coal - Ground Stability

Information on coal mining, brine subsidence claims and natural subsidence hazards

Coal - Mine Entry Plans/Data Sheets

An alternative to the interpretive report for areas of land or a new development.

Coal - Mine Gas Emissions Report

Managing coal mine gas liabilities is part of the Coal Authority’s statutory obligations. We can provide expert insight on mine gas liability sites or mine gas incidents that we have treated, featuring a bespoke report from our mine gas experts.

Coal - Search Not Required Certificate

Confirmation that an official search is not required.

Coal - Subsidence Claim

Managing coal mining subsidence claims is part of the Coal Authority’s statutory obligations. Get a comprehensive view of subsidence claims within a 50m area to assist when handling property transactions.

Coal - Subsidence Claim 50m buffer Report

Managing coal mining subsidence claims is part of the Coal Authority’s statutory obligations. Get a comprehensive view of subsidence claims within a 50m area to assist when handling property transactions.

Coal - Subsidence Claim History Report

Managing coal mining subsidence claims is part of the Coal Authority’s statutory obligations. We can provide expert insight on each claim featuring original documentation - providing the ultimate in detail.

Coal - Surface Hazard incident report

Managing coal mining surface hazards is part of the Coal Authority’s statutory obligations. We can provide expert insight on each incident we have treated, featuring original documentation from our comprehensive archive.

Coal Authority CON29M

Information on coal mining and brine subsidence claims

Coal Authority Consultants Coal Mining Report

Designed by environmental consultants and geotechnical engineers, this report provides essential data and guidance on historic coal mining activity and the potential issues that could affect your client’s site and its surrounding area.

CON29DW Commercial bseller_Img

An essential part of the conveyancing process is the Law Society’s CON29DW Commercial search. It provides deal-breaking information regarding water and sewerage services for prospective business and property owners, protecting buyers, lenders, and their solicitors from any unnecessary risk.

Dye & Durham Commercial

The Dye & Durham Commercial Report delivers a comprehensive analysis that provides clarity in choosing the optimal location.

Dye & Durham Ground Report

The Dye & Durham Ground Report Commercial is the only report available to interpret the risk from coal and all other mining, soil-related subsidence and all other natural ground hazards, coastal hazards and recorded ground movement.

Dye & Durham Retail

A simple, best value screener that is most suitable for more straightforward transactions with retail and high street office premises.

Electricity Wayleaves

This search identifies whether any Wayleaves are in place that may affect the property in question.

Forestry Commission

This report includes details of Foresty Commission woodland areas and their designation within the vicinity of the area including felling licence applications.

Groundsure Agricultural

Agricultural is an interpreted report providing an assessment of the key environmental risks associated with purchasing farms and agricultural land. Agricultural gives the expert, bespoke opinion required for high value estate transactions supporting transaction progression and completion.

Groundsure Energy & Transportation

Groundsure’s Energy and Transportation is a new report providing a comprehensive search of existing and planned energy and transport infrastructure.

Groundsure Floodview

Floodview is a comprehensive flood risk search for commercial properties, comprising a fully interpreted flood risk assessment and a view on the likely availability of flood risk insurance for the property.

GroundSure GeoRisk

Historic mining and ground stability affects properties across the country - your clients’ transactions need protecting. GeoRisk is now the standard to provide that protection and assurance.

GroundSure GeoRisk+

Historic mining and ground stability affects properties across the country - your clients’ transactions need protecting. GeoRisk is now the standard to provide that protection and assurance.

Groundsure Planview

Provides a comprehensive planning overview for your client's commercial property transaction. Planview provides detailed planning application information highlighting likely planning and development changes within the vicinity of the property, information not commonly included in the standard suite of searches.

Groundsure Review

The Groundsure Review is not just data – the report’s value rests on unrivalled data analysis delivering expert insight and understanding. Each report is written and reviewed by our in‐house team of environmental specialists who can be contacted in the event of a query.

Groundsure Screening

Groundsure Screening has been redesigned and enhanced with new features, improved layout and design for clearer navigation ‐ streamlining Property Lawyer workflow.

Highways Agency

This report provides details of the proposals of any planned work or development to any major trunk road or motorway proposals managed by the Highways Agency and within 1200 metres of a property in England.

Landmark Climate Change Report

An informative desktop report, designed to show the potential impact that climate change could have at a property when required to disclose.

Landmark Energy & Infrastructure

The Energy & Infrastructure report provides accurate and detailed information on a variety of new energy sources and major transport projects that could have an impact upon the value, or a purchaser’s enjoyment of a property.

Landmark FloodSolutions Commercial

FloodSolutions Commercial is the only standalone commercial flood report where the assessment is always provided by an Environmental Consultant.

Landmark Highways

The SiteSolutions Highways Report provides key information on the adoption status of roads, paths and verges in a consistent, easy to use report at a fixed cost.

Landmark Sitecheck Assess

Sitecheck Assess is Landmark’s core commercial environmental risk report.

Landmark Sitecheck Combined

The Sitecheck Combined report provides a contaminated land liability assessment for Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act as well as a flood risk assessment.

Landmark Sitecheck Combined - Full Data Pack

The Sitecheck Combined report provides a contaminated land liability assessment for Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act as well as a flood risk assessment.

Landmark Sitecheck Planning

The Sitecheck Planning Report provides details of planning applications and potential development nearby, ensuring you are aware of any potential changes in the area that could affect the use or value of a commercial premises or site.

Landmark SiteSolutions Combined

The Argyll SiteSolutions Combined report is the only fully consultant led contaminated land and flood risk environmental report for commercial transactions.

Landmark SiteSolutions Commercial

SiteSolutions Commercial is the only standalone commercial contaminated land risk assessment which is always provided by an Environmental Consultant.

Landmark SiteSolutions Farm

Specialist contaminated land and flood risk report for farms and large land holdings.

Landmark Utilities Report

The Landmark Utilities report provides a very comprehensive search of what utility providers have underground assets at or in the immediate vicinity of a property or site.

Lawyer Checker

LawyerChecker checks the sort code and account number of a vendor conveyancer against a constantly updated database of historical property transactions.

Local Authority (Official CON29)

The search will make you aware of outstanding financial claims or restrictions such as tree preservation orders, conditions imposed on planning permissions, conservation areas, legal agreements and listed buildings.

Personal Local Authority (CDS)

A Personal Local Authority Search (PLAS) or Regulated Local Authority Search offers an alternative to the standard Official Local Authority Search (OLAS).

Mail Rail

Mail Rail report confirms whether a new development is likely or not to be affected by Royal Mail Tunnels.

National Grid - Electric

Details of Electric Company equipment affecting the property.

National Grid - Gas

The search result includes details of National Grid maintained gas infrastructure, rights or obligations affecting the property.

Port of London Authority

Returns details of any issues affecting the property such as.......

Radon Advisory

A full report on the requirement for radon protective measures in new buildings and extensions.

Radon Risk

A report to confirm whether or not the property is in a radon affected area.

Regional Electric

Details of Electric Company equipment affecting the property.

Telecoms - BT

Details of communication equipment which may affect the property.

Telecoms - Cable & Wireless

Details of communication equipment which may affect the property.

Telecoms - Kingston Communications

Details of communication equipment which may affect the property.

Telecoms - Virgin Media

Details of Virgin Media communication equipment which may affect the property.

Tin - Cornwall Consultants

This is search is submitted to Cornwall Consultants and the result includes information on the presence of disused underground metal mining workings that could cause subsidence, etc.

Transport for London

Information about existing TfL railway services

Groundsure Utility Essentials

Undertaking utilities due diligence is essential for any project that will involve ground penetration both for new and existing site developments. All reports include an overview map of the designated area, a summary of the searched utilities and detailed responses from the utilities companies that affect the site.

Groundsure Utility Fast-track

Undertaking utilities due diligence is essential for any project that will involve ground penetration both for new and existing site developments. All reports include an overview map of the designated area, a summary of the searched utilities and detailed responses from the utilities companies that affect the site.

Groundsure Utility Premium

Undertaking utilities due diligence is essential for any project that will involve ground penetration both for new and existing site developments. All reports include an overview map of the designated area, a summary of the searched utilities and detailed responses from the utilities companies that affect the site.