Get in touch
Want to talk to one of our team or perhaps send us your search or plans requests by post? You'll find our contact details here.
Business hours: weekdays 9am - 4pm
PO Box 99, Yorkshire Water, Bradford, BD3 7YB
Tel: 0333 220 6664 (Lines open: 9am - 4pm Mon to Fri)
Public Mapping Computer
Our publicly accessible mapping-terminal that allows the viewing of Yorkshire Water's sewer and water mains records, is located at our offices in Bradford. The terminal is open to the public between 9am and 4pm (last appointment 3.30pm), Monday to Friday.
Bookings for this terminal can be made up to up to 7 days in advance using our online booking portal. If you require a copy of Yorkshire Water's sewer and water mains plans around a property, then these may be purchased online here. Choose any one of the Sewer and Water Plans (via email) options.
Ordering Searches and Plans by Post
To order your searches or asset plans by post, please follow these steps:
- Check the price of the product you want to order.
- Write a UK cheque for the total amount, including VAT. Make it payable to Yorkshire Water Services Ltd.
- Write a covering letter with your order details. Remember to include your name, address, phone number and email.
- If you're ordering Local Authority searches, a plan of the property or area to be searched is required.
- Send your cheque and letter and if necessary, plan to our postal address, which you can find on this page above.
Newsletter Sign-Up
Follow this link to subscribe to our mailing list to receive updates on our events, search and mapping products and operational notifications directly by email. You may unsubscribe or alter your email preferences at any time using the link in the footer of each email we send you.
Already a subscriber and wish to unsubscribe? You may do so here.